Special reports
The Auditor General must, each time city council so requests, conduct an investigation and report on any matter under her or his jurisdiction. However, such a request may not take precedence over her or his main obligations.
Special report
Rapport spécial sur les intrusions dans les communications électroniques du vérifcateur général (French version only)
Special report
2010 Special Report - Integrated Control System of the Montreal Metro and Public Self-Serve Bicycle Project (BIXI)
Special report
Rapport de vérification sur la cession de propriétés de la Ville de Montréal à la Société d'habitation et de développement de Montréal (French version only)
Special report
Rapport de vérification sur le Projet du Faubourg Contrecœur (French version only)
Special report
Special Report on disposition of real property by the SHDM from January 1, 2007 to November 24, 2008