Legal Notes
This Site is controlled and operated by the Bureau du vérificateur général de la Ville de Montréal (“the BVGMTL”). Using and downloading from this Site, and the application of these terms, are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in effect in the Province of Quebec and with the applicable federal laws in Canada. Courts in the Province of Quebec and in Canada have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from your use of this Site.
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The BVGMTL reserves the right at all times and without notice, to improve, modify, change, suspend or permanently discontinue the entire Site or a section thereof, and to restrict or prohibit access.
The BVGMTL reserves the right to amend or revise the terms posted on this Site at any time. You will be responsible for acknowledging these every time you access and use this Site.
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Under no circumstances should a user interpret the information or rely on what is presented on this Site as constituting legal, accounting, fiscal, financial, investment or professional advice, or as advice pertaining to a specific situation. Consequently, the BVGMTL assumes no liability with regard to the use or abuse of the information the Site contains. We recommend that users consult a professional advisor according to his or her specific circumstances.
The user acknowledges that none of the information presented on this Site may be considered as solicitation, or as an offer, advice, recommendation or any other service resulting in a transaction or investment, and must not be interpreted as supporting the latter.
Unless expressly indicated otherwise, all information, graphic images, functions or services, formatting (including “perception and appearance”) and text on this Site, are the exclusive property of the BVGMTL. They may not be copied or released, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from the BVGMTL. Nonetheless, you may download or print out any page from this Site for personal, non-commercial use, subject to you maintaining the intellectual property rights of the BVGMTL.
This Site contains links to third-party Websites. These links are included only for the convenience of Site users. The presence of these links does not in any way mean that the BVGMTL endorses the contents of said third-party sites. A link from this Site to another Website (or a link from another Website to this Site) does not in any way constitute a referral, endorsement, approval, advertisement, offer or solicitation with respect to the other Website, its contents or the products and services it advertises or provides by means of the other Website. Other sites, whether known or unknown to the BVGMTL, may also provide a link to this Site. Accessing any other Website from the BVGMTL Site, or vice-versa, is at your own risk. The BVGMTL has not revised the contents of the third-party sites whose links appear on this Site, or of those leading to this Site, and is in no way responsible for said contents. The BVGMTL makes no claims with respect to practices relating to the confidentiality, contents, or accuracy of information found on third-party sites.
The links from this Site to other Websites are provided for information purposes only and for the sole purpose of being helpful.
The BVGMTL may not under any circumstances be required to control the data provided on this Site or conveyed by its intermediary, as is the case for all other Websites linked to or from this Site. Nonetheless, the BVGMTL reserves the right to control said data, including discussion forums and other similar Web services. You acknowledge that no obligation of any nature whatsoever may arise from these data and that their transmission in no way constitutes a commitment or agreement of confidentiality, implied or otherwise, between you and the BVGMTL.
Unless stipulated otherwise, the terms and conditions stated herein constitute the full agreement between the BVGMTL and you with respect to your use of this Site. These terms and conditions must replace all conventions, agreements, negotiations and discussions, verbal or written, previously in effect between the BVGMTL and you. There is no declaration, guarantee, terms or other conventions, either expressed or implied, stipulated by law or otherwise, between the BVGMTL and you with respect to using this Site, other than what is specifically expressed in these Legal Notes.
BVGMTL reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate your access to this Site, to the related services, and to all components thereof at any time and without notice.
The BVGMTL reserves all other rights not expressly granted herein.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, or about the practices relating to this Site or to its use, you may contact us .